Decreased Vision
The list for this is extensive. Note time, duration, and associated symptoms. Especially if sudden, seek medical attention immediately. If no eye doctor is available, get your eyes checked at the Emergency Department.
The list for this is extensive. Note time, duration, and associated symptoms. Especially if sudden, seek medical attention immediately. If no eye doctor is available, get your eyes checked at the Emergency Department.
It is common for patients to complain of small specks or clouds that can be seen against a blank wall or clear blue sky. Sometimes these images can be described as floating spider-webs, spots or squiggly lines. Over time you will become less aware of these floaters as they fade or the brain learns to ignore them. Therefore, while some floaters may remain in your vision, they do not cause any problems. Flashes, however, appear as twinkles or lightning streaks in your vision.
Can be caused by eye strain and may depend on the kind of work you do with your eyes. Sometimes other conditions such as a migraine can involve the eyes and vision. The so-called ocular migraine can have eye symptoms such as auras and sparkling in the field of vision without a headache. In the elderly rarer systemic conditions can induce a headache and can threaten vision.
Often fatigue and strain related, usually related to computer use or need for glasses. Dry eyes can also exacerbate symptoms. Sudden, unremitting pain ought to be evaluated urgently.
Dry eyes is a very common, under diagnosed condition prevalent in the upstate NY area. Moisturizing drops can both soothe the eyes and improve visual quality. These are available over the counter and can be used 2-4 times.